Friday, June 21, 2024

Thursday, June 20 - The Franchise Affair

The Franchise Affair (1951)The Franchise Affair (1951)

A young traumatized girl runs through the storm and into her guardian's arms. The next day, Robert Blair (Michael Denison), a local solicitor, is telephoned by Marion Sharpe (Dulcie Grey) who lives at the Franchise (a source of gossip in the town). She and her frail mother (Marjorie Fielding) have been accused of kidnapping and beating a young girl, Betty Kane (Ann Stephens). Betty is bought to the Franchise to identify them, which she does with amazing accuracy - even to the tiny attic, the broken window and the car's painted tyres!!! Her brother goes to the press and the papers have a field day - accusations run riot!!

Blair starts to interview all the people connected with Betty - and he starts to piece together a story of a secretive girl who has a photographic memory. . .

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