Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday, June 27 - Colonel March of Scotland Yard: 2 Episodes

Jerry Winton lost a bundle in a casino in France. Later he is arrested for the murder of a man called Davos. Davos was found with a knife in his back and Winton was due to meet him.

Colonel March could provide Winton with an alibi but March claims not to have seen him.

Luckily for Winton, Inspector Goron senses that March might be lying as March was investigating Davos.

Norman Kane, a shady businessman accused of swindling investors, collapses on a seaside jetty just prior to taking a swim in the cold ocean. Although his attending physician pronounces him dead of an apparent heart attack, a vacationing Colonel March discovers a sharpened needle near the body and connects it to an air rifle which Kane's secretary was using on the beach. Unfortunately by the time the police arrives, the body has disappeared, apparently taken out to sea by the advancing tide.

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