Saturday, July 7, 2018

Friday, July 6 - Broadway Hostess

Broadway Hostess (1935)

Ted Lucky Lorimer, a familiar figure in Broadway nightclubs, gets Winnie Wharton an audition as a nightclub singer. With the help of Lucky and piano player Tommy Blake, Winnie is successful, and Lucky appoints himself as her manager, forcing Big Joe Jarvis, the owner, to pay her an exorbitant salary. Winnie rapidly acquires wealth and fame. Tommy loves Winnie, but seeing her obvious love for Lucky, he keeps silent. Lucky, however, does not return her feelings. He is in love with socialite Iris Marvin, but their affair is hindered by their class difference. In order to earn the money that will make him her social equal, Lucky opens a gambling salon. Ronnie, Iris' snobby brother, loses a lot of money and steals the family jewels, which he uses to pay his debt to Lucky. The theft is reported, and when the jewels are found in Lucky's possession, he is arrested. To bail Lucky out of jail, Winnie gives her last money to a dishonest lawyer and is left penniless. Iris, learning that Ronnie is the guilty one, uses her influence to free Lucky and they are married. Tommy tells Lucky that Winnie is broke, and he secretly backs her in a show. Afraid that Lucky will reveal his guilt, Ronnie shoots him. While at Lucky's bedside, Winnie realizes that he and Iris are happy together and agrees to marry loyal Tommy.

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