Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday, Nov. 25 - Tough to Handle

Tough to Handle (1937)

A young newsboy's grandfather wins a sweepstakes, but it turns out that his ticket is phony. Meanwhile, a handsome reporter finds out that the police are looking for the criminal ring responsible for the phony-sweepstakes racket, so he and the newsboy set out to track down the gang responsible and expose them.

And don't forget Gloria, the boy's sister (and the reporter's girlfriend), who gets a job as a singer in the club that is behind the lottery swindle.

Frankie Darro's grandfather has won the lottery, or so he thinks. He has the winning number, but a mob boss has been using the lottery to make money off of fake numbers. They have to get that ticket away from Grandpa at all costs. Enter Frankie Darro, who they didn't plan on and who is too "tough to handle."

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