Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday, March 24 - The Saxon Charm

The Saxon Charm (1948)

In a hospital (he's not ill; his house is being painted and he can't stand the smell of paint), theatrical producer Matt Saxon is introduced to writer Eric Busch, and ends up offering to produce Eric's new play with financing from millionaire Zack Humber.

Alma Wragge, a singer, is Saxon's girlfriend, but she warns Eric's wife Janet about the producer's notorious "Saxon charm" that coaxes others into doing his bidding, only to end up badly for everyone involved. Sure enough, Saxon's behavior soon ruins Alma's nightclub audition (no, no. She gets the singing job).

It isn't long before Saxon makes a pest of himself, interrupting a beach vacation Eric and Janet take, closing the show (a different show) after a poor review, then persuading Eric to go off by himself to do rewrites. Saxon loses the financial backing of Humber so he works on his ex-wife to put up the money, not knowing she is broke.

Alma gets a chance to be in a Hollywood movie, but Saxon interferes with that as well. Janet, upset by Eric's absences, begins drinking (once she drinks too much, for crissakes!) and threatens to leave him (she does leave, in fact). Eric finally punches Saxon, who is so oblivious to his destructive nature, he even contributes to his ex-wife's suicide (well, if that's true, he's already done it, because he's had no contact with her since he found out she was broke). Eric and Janet get away from him just in time.

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