Sunday, September 1, 2024

Saturday, August 31 - Decoy: Bullet of Hate

16 year old Stella, Sandra Whiteside, comes home late from a party and her Aunt Mary, Joanna Roos, lets her have it about how rotten she is and just like her mother-who was killed in a drunken car accident- she'll end up dead before her time if she keeps this up. With Stella just about having it with her Aunt Mary her live-in Uncle Lester, Arthur Ryder, starts to hatch a plan to do in Aunt Mary and have Stella get blamed for it! 

Policewoman Casey Jones, Beverly Garland, takes on the case to straighten Stella out and at the same time saves her from doing hard time for the murder of Aunt Mary whom Uncle Lester, her real murderer, later framed her for.

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