Saturday, September 16, 2023

Friday, September 15 - Bourbon Street Beat: Torch Song for Trumpet

It starts with a close up of Rust answering a ringing phone in a bar, and we can hear that it's a woman who wants to speak to him but he won't. So the woman, Cindy played by Suzanne Leigh (she is Tracey Bregman's mother, who plays Lauren on Young and The Restless, by the way) goes to Andrew Duggan for help in bringing Kiley around again. Turns out that he went to jail even though he wasn't guilty.

She married someone who could get him out in 3 years instead of the 5 he was sentenced, so she does it. But he won't listen to her explain WHY she did it. He's working as a bartender in a dive by the water, it's owned by an older man who is being harassed into sale by a mobster, who has a secret reason for wanting to own it. One night the old man turns up dead and suspicion turns on Kiley because he just got out of jail. The rest of the episode is about everyone trying to prove Kiley either guilty or innocent.

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